Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long has JCYC been in existence?
A: JCYC was incorporated in 1970.
Q: What types of services do you provide?
A: JCYC offers a continuum of services, including childcare, youth development, employment training, college preparation, and substance abuse prevention.
Q: What ages do you serve?
A: The majority of children and youth served by the programs of JCYC are between the ages of 2 to 18 years of age.
Q: Does JCYC only serve Japanese children and youth?
A: While JCYC remains committed to serving children and youth from the Japanese American community, the organization annually serves over 5,000 young people from all ethnic backgrounds and neighborhoods throughout San Francisco.
Q: Are there volunteer opportunities within the organization?
A: There are ongoing volunteer opportunities at JCYC through the organization’s various fundraising activities. If you are interested in serving on JCYC’s Board of Directors, please contact the administrative office to see if the organization is currently accepting applications. For more information, please call (415) 202-7909 or visit the Board of Director’s page to learn about board recruitment and to download the application form.
Q: How is JCYC funded?
A: JCYC is funded through a combination of government contracts, fundraising activities, foundation grants, and individual contributions.
Q: Does JCYC provide services outside of San Francisco?
A: Most of JCYC’s programs are currently based in San Francisco. However, in 2006 JCYC did open a new college access program for students in Daly City.
Q: If I were to contribute to JCYC, how would those funds be used?
A: Contributions can be directed toward individual programs or to the overall organization. Funds directed to the overall organization would be used to support the operational needs of JCYC.
Q: How can I make a donation to JCYC?
A: You can make an online donation. Or, you can write a check payable to “JCYC” and mail it to:
JCYC Administration2012 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA