JCYC’s Chibi Chan Preschools need your support this May to help us deliver vital childcare services – please donate today here!
In celebration of AAPI Heritage Month and this year’s Give in May “Forging Community Bonds” campaign, the Japanese Community Youth Council (JCYC) would sincerely appreciate your consideration of a contribution to our organization this May. Your contribution will help JCYC’s Chibi Chan Preschools rise above the financial challenges Chibi Chan continues to face as a result of the pandemic.
While both Chibi Chan Preschool and Chibi Chan Too staff have worked tirelessly to transition both preschool sites to full-time, in-person care, the ongoing lingering effects of and instability caused by the pandemic has resulted in constant changes in enrollment. Reopening our preschools involved complex challenges to re-organize space to maximize safety and comply with social distancing requirements, securing adequate personal protective equipment, and establishing new safety protocols.
We are hopeful that our many friends and supporters, like you, will consider lending a helping hand to our organization during this difficult time by donating to JCYC’s Chibi Chan Preschools this Give in May.
Please support our cause by donating this Give in May here!