JCYC Upward Bound
JCYC Upward Bound (JCYC UB) is a federal pre-college TRIO Program that is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The JCYC Upward Bound program was established in 1995 to provide high school students in San Francisco with comprehensive college and career preparation. The program targets low-income high school students who represent the first generation of college bound students in their respective families.
The year-round program serves 150 eligible students each year, offering an academic year of services and an intensive, six-week summer program. Students are recruited during their freshman and sophomore years and they continue participating until they graduate high school.
JCYC Upward Bound currently serves:
- Balboa High School
- Mission High School
- John O’Connell High School
- Thurgood Marshall High School
2012 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: (415) 202-7901
Fax: (415) 563-7137
Email: collegeaccess@jcyc.org
Website: www.jcyccollegeaccess.org
For more information, contact Patricia Justafort.